I have finally upgraded my aging CRT to a spanking new LCD. Awesome stuff.. felt like I was using a new computer altogether. Many people have asked me why I've been using the CRT until now.

Sentimental value lah.. I won it in a contest! Anyway I'm still gonna keep it around for emergencies.. nothing beats the durability and staying power of OLD TECH.

This morning I just had another random thought in the shower (seems like thats where all my ideas hit me, which isn't really a good thing as I got no place to jot it down . I did once try to gouge it on my bar of soap though.. that didn't really work out.)

Can a non-Christian really go to heaven? People have always been asking that. The truth is, I bet even the priests don't know. It's not their fault of course. There simply hasn't been any clear revelation on this issue, no clarification from the Almighty one above.

Jesus, bless his kind soul, offered some insight when he was here on Earth, although being the wise guy that he is, it was all pretty vague and cryptic and so could really mean anything.


Sentences like "Those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted" and "the last will be first, and the first will be last"

Also think about various parables like the one about the Shepherd chionging out to find his lost lamb and the long-lost son who after finish clubbing realise he boh lui liao and decide to crawl back to his lao pei

All of these seem to suggest that God welcomes almost anyone to the eternal club in the sky, as long as they meet the entry requirement of course.

Unfortunately (or not), this doesn't seem to include being a Christian. Or does it? If this theory holds true, then shouldn't all good men go to heaven despite not stepping into church even once in their lives?

I'm guessing that the key term here is awareness. As in, if you have lived a good life but did not go to church because you were not aware of such a thing as a one true God (possibly influenced by your peers, parents, etc) then maybe you've got a chance at paradise

However, if you KNOW that you have to go to church, not sin, etc and still intentionally run afoul of the heavenly laws, then you might not get so lucky

Am I sure about this. Hell no. But sounds logical ainit?

Wild Hamster

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