A UFO was supposed to reveal itself yesterday. Or at least that was the plan according to this psychic called Blossom Goodchild (woo! that name is so retro!) who apparently (and allegedly) has been receiving messages from this intergalactic space organisation called the Federation of Light.

Once again, my inner geek is getting excited.

But once again, again, it also looks like its just another hoax. Its like 3pm, Oct 15. No UFO anywhere. You must be asking me why I'm siao ah? Believe in UFO?

I feel that the Universe is so big.. there should surely be life elsewhere.. right? Anyway I believe. And that's enough. But so far.. no substantial evidence has surfaced to prove their existence. That's pretty disappointing.

Well yeah, there are videos and pictures that supposedly show UFOs. But a bunch of lights can hardly qualify as solid evidence. Someone should give these UFOlogists some telescopic lenses. (Or maybe some huge ass spotlights)

Anyway, I still believe they exist. I tell you solemnly, happy are those who do not see but yet believe.

Oh yah.. for those females out there. Do yourself a favour and go for a pap smear test. I was just interviewing a cervical cancer survivor today and as it turns out, that innocuous little test can be a PHENOMENAL help in avoiding cervical cancer.

And please do it at NCCS (National Cancer Centre Singapore). I don't know why anyone would go anywhere else for cancer-related consultation. Isn't it obvious that there ain't nowhere else better for that than at the NATIONAL CANCER CENTRE?

Wild Hamster

I feel the urge to write something (got to leh.. its been 10 days) but I have no idea what.

Its not like Ive got nothing to write about. In fact, I think I've got too many things to write about.

I guess Im supposed to bleh the whole thing out at the end of the day, but the problem is that after work each day Im just too damn tired. Weekends are busy as well, though this weekend it was especially so.

So let me see.. what I can extract out from my pretty useless memory of the past week.


Monday (6 Oct) was a pretty happening day. One of my company's clients had a product launch and I was there to help out. The product line is called Methode Jeanne Piaubert and its a French brand that seems to have been on the market for ages and ages (and ages).

My inner geek finds it pretty impressive, since the whole beauty/cleaning/whatever process is based on some scientific method thing. It makes the whole process look so .. healthy. Yeah.

And.. its pretty expensive too. I guess for that price, they had better make it do something impressive eh?

Met Ephraim, my old friend from Secondary School at the launch too. Hes quite famous now (or infamous) as hes stirred up some attention by sharing his blog with a Foreign Minister. Hmm.

But this guy has always been stirring up attention, even during our sec school days. I shall not say why out of respect for him. But you should know from that sentence that whatever it was that he did it must've been pretty scandalous. Well, I don't think its scandalous. Just.. strange. O_O

Anyway.. Friday I served the Bishop memorial mass. Pretty hectic time and ended up getting screwed by the priests in charge. I have no idea what they're called really. but I know they're specialized in liturgy. Anyway, getting screwed as a server don't really affect me after 15 years.. its just an occupational hazard.

Last week, it was finally made official that we are now in a recession. OMG WHY NOW WHEN I JUST GRADUATED? WHY NOW WHEN I AM AT THE TAIL END OF MY CURRENT CONTRACT? Ah well, guess I just have to weather the storm I guess.

There's a buge <--- ah ha! a new word! BUGE!BIG + HUGE = BUGE! -- debate going on right now about what to do the those evil bankers who brought this upon us. Some suggest that they should be jailed while others want them to pay a fine. Yet still others want them to be burnt at the stake. ouch.

I agree that these damn bankers should pay for what they've done. I especially agree that these CEOs who are paid so much to do a job shouldn't be paid because they haven't done their damned job. In fact, I think they did the opposite.

The American people are now picking up the tab for bailing out the banks, who are paying their CEOS hundreds of millions of dollars in severance. I think that the compensation is pretty obscene, and that money could be put to better use (such as stopping up the gap they left when they.. left)

Now the common man on the street is having to stop up that gap, with money that could have been used for education, or helping the poor. Thus, as the saying goes nowadays, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

There are those of course that believe that if you're not rich it means its your damn fault. It means you're not working hard enough, not born with the correct genes, not touched by lady luck, whatever. It just means you created your own situation.

Well I believe that is true to a certain extent, as in many of us (including myself) like to think about making it in life but lack the motivation to push ourselves to get there.

But some assistance would help. Of course, for some people, no matter how hard you push them they just don't want to go for it. But for others, sometimes all it takes is a little kick off the chair, or something less dramatic but equally effective.

Anyway, I hope to survive the recession.. and hope that my future house will become cheaper because of it also. (Fat hope right?)

Wild Hamster